Membership Information
Who We Are
RYC is a social club with a fully owned clubhouse with first class amenities and a guest dock. There are weekly potluck BBQs, cruises by water and land, numerous annual events, and lots of camaraderie. Other benefits include:
- Cruising in numbers
- Making lifelong friendships
- Meeting/socializing with members from other Columbia River yacht clubs
- Enjoying reciprocal mooring privileges with other over 50 yacht clubs in the northwest
- Learning to navigate the waterways and locks

Membership Availability / Process
To insure a continued focus on boating, the Club limits the number of members who are not assigned moorage. Currently all slips are full. If you are interested in joining the club to be placed on a Moorage waiting list use the Contact Us link and the Vice Commodore will respond to your inquiry. You would then submit a membership application with your initiation fee to the address below. An orientation for potential members is typically held before the General Membership meeting on the 1st Tuesday of the month. If there is no moorage available, you are encouraged to be placed on our waiting list. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to Contact Us via contact form.
Richland Yacht Club 350 Columbia Point Drive Richland, WA 99352
Initiation fee: $600
Annual dues: $600 per year (Jan – Dec). Dues are prorated for members joining after January 1st.
Junior Memberships
To be authorized for unescorted access to the Club premises and docks, the minor children of our members must apply for, and be granted, Junior Membership. There is no initiation fee for junior members and they do not pay dues. Junior members, however, do not have the privilege of bringing guests onto the Club premises. If you want your children to have unescorted rights, please submit the Junior Membership Application to the address below.
Richland Yacht Club 350 Columbia Point Drive Richland, WA 99352